Why does she keep changing the subject when I bring her this ip?

My friend is weird. We know each other through work and we’ve gotten extremely close with each other and I do really like her even though all our values are different. We’ve flirted before but according to her it’s platonic since she’s claimed she’s flirted and made out and stuff with friends from back home.
I swear we have like a romantic vibe but I don’t know because she downplays everything and so do I and I know we shouldn’t go there. Once we were teasing each other about something and she stares at me square in my face without breaking eye contact and is smirking to the point where it made me uncomfortable.
Once I straight up asked her to flirt with me because I was drunk and she called me pretty and said my laugh was cute but later we just agreed to be friends. She’s also repeatedly said I should model and will compliment my hair or a sweater or something if she likes it which I think is normal?
More recently I had a party and her and I drunkenly made out 4 times in my basement which once again she still said she’s done with friends before and she just assumed I did it because I was drunk.
So she just took a trip back to her hometown to visit some friends for the last week. She came back to work a week later and seemed really tired and told me she would tell me everything that happened the next day. I also told her I would tell her some tea that I had and she told me I could just text her right then. I have a crush on this girl from my college and she’s a lesbian and I talk about her all the time so it’s possible my friend assumed it was about her. The next day before my friend told me her tea I started talking about the lesbian girl and my friend immediately told me she hooked up with two guys on her trip and had a new years kiss also. Today I mentioned how the lesbian girl was so cute and right after I said that my friend was like “I’m going to California in 3 months with friends”.
Why does she keep changing the subject when I bring her this ip?
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