Is this even consider flirting for y'all?

A customer the other day came to the register and asked, "what's the lowest charge that's accepted in the card", I go "there's no minimum would you like a water that's the cheapest thing which is $3.81", she then goes "okay", so my male CO worker runs to get the water for her, he then gets it and puts it on the counter for her, she then goes "let me buy you something, what do you want?", I then tell her, "I'm not sure if I want something I can just get it for free", I then tell my male CO worker "she's offering to buy us something what you want", then my male CO worker kinda screams at her, and he goes "What? There's no minimum?", she then says why are you screaming at me! I just asked what's the minimum that's all, he then goes I wasn't. She then goes "what's happening here I'm confused", I then go "me too", then I tell her, "do you just want the receipt to use the wifi", she then goes, "yeah", my male CO worker, then takes the water from her back, I then tell him let her keep the water she kinda need it, so I gave her the receipt as well as the water, I then here her say you guys are beautiful. I then tell my co worker a few minutes later what she said about us being beautiful, I guess I didn't hear her well, but my co worker said that she said my eyes were beautiful, I told him "hell no she didn't say that", he then said, "bro you tripping she said your eyes are beautiful she was basically flirting".

Was she actually flirting, and excuse me for the long ass text.

Is this even consider flirting for y'all?
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