I like teasing my girlfriend but sometimes she cries but I think she's over reacting but I think we should break up cause I might not be good for her?

My girlfriend is sweet and tiny like literally the smallest thing ever she's 5ft and I'm 6 ft 3, she has very petite bone structure, she could pass for a 5th grader. We have a 18 age gap so she is fairly. it took a while for her to date me after we've known each other 2 years with her physically abusive exes before me but I'm the third guy she's given a shot. I run my own company and she works in aviation. She gets off fairly early and likes to spend the rest of the day with me if neither of us aren't too busy. She atleasts wants us to hang for 1 day of the week and she'll clear her schedule to tag along with me all day to work or whatever. But she takes everything seriously like my opinions on everything if I respond sure to something she's wearing or if u like it. she gets upset. Sometimes I'll point out that another girl is pretty and she'll get all sad. She'll ask for 5 mins of my time and if course I know its not 5 minutes she wants but I'll set a timer to tease her. My latest tease is we were on a walk one day and I walked a bit faster and she couldn't keep up and chased after me to stop walking she tripped at some point and I stopped to go help her then when I picked her up she started crying I was walking too fast and her tummy hurts. I didn't mean to laugh but I did but I just find her so adorable and she thinks everything I do now is making fun of her. I was complaining it was hot the other day when we were relaxing under a tree and she was on top of me she got up and I told her to lay back down and she said I was hot so it was okay, I kinda told yelled at her to shut up and lay back down I just liked holding her cause my week hasn't been the best then she laid down and started crying. I think I'm just hurting her and should break up I don't take everything as serious as her.

I like teasing my girlfriend but sometimes she cries but I think she's over reacting but I think we should break up cause I might not be good for her?
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