Top 5 GaG Facebook Posts: 5 So-Funny-It-Hurts Vids And a Hot myTake!

Top 5 GaG Facebook Posts: 5 So-Funny-It-Hurts Vids And a Hot myTake!

So, checked out GirlsAskGuys Facebook page recently?


Well, two things: First, did you realize that your myTake (or Question or Poll) could end up on our FB page? We take our favorites and post 'em up, thereby giving the author a whole LOT more exposure! Good incentive to produce quality content. ;) Second, if you think the only thing on the GirlsAskGuys Facebook page is all the content you already see here, well, think again.

As an example, here are 6 great Facebook posts from the past week, starting with a myTake post. Kudos to the author, and can YOU get your Take shared on the GaG FB page?

3 Things I Really Hate About Being a Guy

by @Modernhippy

And now 5 videos that'll brighten your day:

Is the LDR even possible...?

Men are such babies about pain, aren't they?

If Lionel says she's amazing, then...

What "other" best friend?!

Dark secrets are always fun...

If you haven't already, please like our Facebook page!

Subscribing to Facebook Messenger will let you get even more awesome content, by the way. ;)

Top 5 GaG Facebook Posts: 5 So-Funny-It-Hurts Vids And a Hot myTake!
9 Opinion