Gaining XPer isn't easy, you're a level 1 XPer and you want to get level 2 as soon as possible to message all them female QT 3.14s, but it just seems like getting XPer is too hard!
But it is too hard, XPer is impossible to get on this website -Blue Anon(Under 18)
Don't be sad Blue Anon! I'll give you simple tricks to expand on your ability to become the greatest XPer gainer ever and after this
Top 30 days XPer are the people with no life -Anonymous User
This could be you! Being the top XPer is all the rage on GAG
This "Feed" button is your bread and butter, this is what you will use to become the ultimate XPer whore.
What do I do with this "Feed" button though? -Anonymous user
I want you to click it then find a question that has just been asked, answering a question first gives you 1+ xper
You don't even need to read the description, just the title to answer the question, if the asker upvotes it you just got a whole 3 XPer! And that's just for one question. You need 150 XPer to start PMing QTs and you're already 3 xper into it!
Repeat this until you gain your delicious 300 XPer per day
Remember you can only post a max of 4 opinions in a certain amount of time
Each day there is a chance to get 5+ xper for posting your opinion on a MyTake
I highly encourage you to read these MyTakes and draw knowledge from them, after this write how you felt the mytake was
Here are some quotes from people who wrote their thoughts on some of the MyTakes on GAG
Interesting -@
Thank you -@disgustingweebtrash
interesting mytake -Pink Anon (18-24)
Very interesting! -Pink Anon (25-29)
What -@ToruMatsuda
I hope you enjoyed reading this MyTake (if you did) and now you can set your way to becoming a GURU in a month
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