I just wanted to write this for the cowards that have insulted people anonymously just because they wanted to, with no provocation, or anything. but also to those that have been victim of these low self esteem individuals. Anonymous identity gives you freedom, because you can be listened but not judged. There are a lot of damaged people in the world, people with scars and wounds. But mostly, there are people that have repressed their own feelings and traumas.
Unfortunately, when you don{t express an emotion, it does not die, it kills you, it kills you inside and ill your heart and mind. When someone find the opportunity to express their shit and garbage without being judged, there it is when we find these individuals that just look to cause harm. So don't let them. Keep the good, return the bad, allow them to keep their emotional garbage. Allow yourself to ignore and refuse to accept an offense from an individual that first of all, dont love themselves.
This site allow people to put their trash outside, so I decided I won't be anybody's emocional punchbag. No one of us should. If they are feeling bad, and hate themselves, allow them to hate themselves, allow them to keep their suffer, they are responsible for their own life, we are not responsible for their pain and bad childhood. Love yourself, and just allow the good to come in :)
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