There is WAY too much abuse of the anon feature, and too many people are asking needless questions Anonymously!

Something seriously needs to be done about the “ANONYMOUS” feature here on GaG! Far too many people are taking advantage of the ability to ask questions anonymously, and as such we more often end up with very stupid questions being asked because the writer and poster of the question will face absolutely no repercussions from their friends, followers, and peers!

Let’s face it, throughout our life we have ALL had MANY times when we hold back on asking a certain question, b/c we don’t want our friends, peers, classmates, or co-workers to think we are stupid for not knowing the answer, so we stay quiet. But here on GaG, all those incredibly stupid questions simply get asked as ANONYMOUS!
The purpose of the anonymous feature as it was originally designed (as I understand from my discussions behind the scenes) was as a way for GaG users to ask those embarrassing questions, free from the ire and scorn of our friends and followers!
For example nobody wants to publicly admit that they have syphilis, “Anonymous” allows someone to legitimately ask: “hey, I have this symptom and this symptom, I’ve been told the person I slept with last week may have syphilis… How can I tell w/o going to the doctor? Is there a reliable mail-in test?” Which is a completely legit use of the anonymous feature. Instead we get questions that have absolutely NO business being posted as anonymous, like this:

Thank God for the anonymous opinion. Imagine the humiliation if people knew who he was?
Thank God for the anonymous opinion. Imagine the humiliation if people knew who he was?

Is there any reason whatsoever for that to have been anonymous? What about this:

Again, if anyone knew who wrote this, that is the death penalty in NO countries EVER
Again, if anyone knew who wrote this, that is the death penalty in NO countries EVER

I mean come on! Why on earth would anyone feel so embarrassed or ashamed that they needed THAT question to be asked anonymously? Personally, I’d say that 99% of the time I see the poster is “ANONYMOUS”, I just avoid the question! After all, we all know that it’s either BS, or it’s a troll asking a seemingly normal question, only to troll anyone dumb enough to answer:

So what can GaG do? Well, there are several things! For one, there could be a vote button, and if more than 66% people hit “yes” the actual name of the poster appears, instead of “ANONYMOUS” although I can already see some legitimately problematic issues with that!
GaG could and SHOULD limit the number of anonymous questions asked in any 30 day period to TWO! I mean, seriously how many life altering, embarrassing questions could anyone legitimately have in any given month? The same should apply to anonymously answering other peoples questions… again, how many times do you need to hide your identity when LEGITIMATELY answering someone else’s question? And why? I feel safe in saying that I can’t remember ever seeing an anonymous answer to a regular non-anonymous question, that was not rude, annoying, petty, or trolling!

So what can we do? The first thing is STOP answering anonymous questions that have no business being anonymous, like this:

Just stop answering anonymous questions why should you answer and give them YOUR name
Just stop answering anonymous questions why should you answer and give them YOUR name

The next thing we can do if that doesn’t work, is just boycott all anonymous questions, literally ignore them! Also ignore any anonymous answers! Also, whenever you ask a question, MAKE SURE to check the box that prevents anonymous answers to your question! Other than that, the only thing to do is to start pressuring GaG to restrict the anonymous feature to something like Xper 3 or 4 and above, that way, trolls who were kicked off 20mins ago cannot just create a new account just keep right on going!

Another thing GaG can do (is actually quite simple & ingenious) Just limit the number of anonymous questions asked to TWO in any 30 day period! Nobody needs to legitimately ask 5 or 10 anonymous questions a week!

Hopefully GaG will take some action and step-in to stop people from asking more than two anonymous questions a month, but if THEY don’t, then WE must! If people won’t stop writing their ridiculous anonymous questions, then WE have to ignore them, or better yet answer them with: “This is a good question. When you repost this question under YOUR real account name, I’ll answer it!”

What do you think about all these abuses of the anonymous feature on GaG? What do you think about perfectly normal, unremarkable questions being asked anonymously? And what do you think about people who answer YOUR non-controversial questions anonymously? Do you think that most often they had a good reason to hide their identity and answer anonymously, or do you think, like me, that this is an abuse of the intent behind the existence of the anon feature? Also, do YOU make sure you check the box banning anonymous answers to YOUR questions? Ok, here’s one more ridiculous question that has no business being written anonymously: Seriously, it is long past the time that GaG started taking abuse of the Anonymous feature seriously! Nobody needs anonymity to ask if others like one piece bathing suits, going barefoot, or think Jessica Alba is attractive!

I SWEAR that these are real! Ironically, if they used real their names, I couldn’t use them!
I SWEAR that these are real! Ironically, if they used real their names, I couldn’t use them!
There is WAY too much abuse of the anon feature, and too many people are asking needless questions Anonymously!
Post Opinion