GaG Frequently Asked questions


GaG Frequently Asked questions

So I see a lot of repeat questions, and it bugs me a tad. Decided to make a list of some I see a lot, feel free to add any you wish.

Q"Do guys like short girls?"

A"Yes, some men prefer short girls, some men prefer tall ones, in the end height doesn't matter as much to guys as it does to women."

Q"Is _ inches big enough to please a girl?"

A"Unless you have micro dick or something, your dick should be good enough to please most girls."

Q"Does this random person whom I've never spoken too, but made eye contact once with in the hallway like me?"

A"While that person may be physically attracted to you, they most likely don't share the same feelings you have for them. I see this question a lot more with girls, where they will get big crushes on rnadom ass dudes, guys usually tend to crush on girls they know or are close to, unfortunatly for you. Your best bet is to talk to that person, and hope they'll catch feelings for you.

Q"How important are muscles to girls /do I need muscles to attract a girl?"

A"For most girls, having muscle definition is more of a benefit than a requirement. Some girls will only date guys with muscles, but it is rare. If you do want more luck with girls, muscles definitely can't hurt though."

Q"Do guys like girls who make the first move?"

A"Yes, 99% of guys would love for a girl to finally make the first move. So much yes on this question, and yet girls are still insecure about making the first move."

Well, that's all that I can think of for now. Hope this'll at least prevent a few people from spamming the same question over and over again.

GaG Frequently Asked questions
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