5 Timeless Qualities of the Attractive Male


This could kind of be seen as a question as well as a Take, but here are five qualities which I consider based on feedback from ex girlfriends and female friends on five qualities in men that would never stop being attractive regardless of the times.

5 Timeless Qualities of the Attractive Male


A man who constantly works is a double edged sword. On the one hand, he's always gone and he's always got an excuse to go, but on the other hand he's either got a lot going on or is moving toward having a lot going on. Yet, the attractiveness in hardworking men, I believe, is that it's comforting to a woman to know she doesn't have to push you to keep yourself on track and you have something that gets you up and gives you direction and passion besides her. It's a lot of responsibility to be with someone who doesn't have anything going on because you feel like you're the center of another person's world. Some girls could like this, but I think the fantasy of having someone orbit around you is better than the real thing and so as a hard working man your girl will always fantasize about the day you'll have more "us" time while at the same time bragging to her friends how successfull you are.

5 Timeless Qualities of the Attractive Male


Building a bit off the first quality, a man who knows what he wants regardless of what it is seems very attractive to women. Have an opinion whether it's the right one according to her or not. Of course, many women appreciate a man who can be flexible and change his decision based on her a bit, but having no opinion on your own and not being able to form one when asked shows a mind wasted, a voice estranged, and it makes you look like you have some "work" to do on yourself. If you're above the age of 20 you have 2 decades of experience to draw from. I know you have ideas. I think she'd like to know your ideas too even if it's do you want light roast or dark roast?

5 Timeless Qualities of the Attractive Male


Just being in the moment. A guy who can be there on the date, or wherever it is, is an attractive mate. When you're in the moment you can't possibly have anxiety, worry, or fear since they are all products of time either in the future or from the past. If nothing else, a woman will appreciate a man who's not burdened or in his head. Start thinking of time as merely a way of scheduling things...you have to think about it reluctantly when you have somewhere you need to be but otherwise you prefer to just be in whatever room you're in body, mind, and soul. The only thing that's going on in your life is right in front of you. This will go a long way and I don't think it's a trait who's attractiveness is going anywhere.

5 Timeless Qualities of the Attractive Male

(Lol, this doesn't mean be cocky...but to be unconcerned with what rejection says about you as a person.)


Some schemy women may like a man with an ego as it's a chief object to manipulate. Being able to bring a man to his knees with one off hand comment that threatens his ego or being able to get a guy to lower his guard when he shouldn't by lifting his ego is a powerful means of control. However, most girls learn that the male ego often has a nasty side that has resulted in calling girls sluts and other cruel words merely for threatening it or a desire to cast a woman away because of your desire to be impressive to all your friends and get with a hotter more popular girl. On the flip side, having a big ego often creates a big level of insecurity--think a huge house of cards where one accidentally insulting comment can cause you to mentally collapse and strike out in reaction. A man who doesn't take himself too seriously can act goofy and not worry people are judging him for it. He can see the world more clearly beacause he isn't looking through a lense of--what does this say about me? He isn't reactive or defensive. he doesn't assume people like him or don't like him. He simply lives with no drive to improve or protect his ego. He has given it up he is not burdened by it and this seems to have been attractive to the ladies for a long time.

5 Timeless Qualities of the Attractive Male


Ok, getting tired of writing so let's wrap this up. <---That's an example of weakness acceptance. Whatever you are or however you feel you accept it. It's kind of an extension of no ego but it's important to go into specifically because when you can accept yourself or not being as smart, as into sports, as big and muscular, as successful as perhaps you "should" be you show her you aren't level of your success--you're a person. It instantly humanizes you and endears you to people because you're ok with being not as good as others and even make it a funny thing rather than a bad thing. This is one of the most tricky to guys who often think its about being the best at everything. It's important to note, we can't always control what values a woman finds important so if you're super skinny and for some reason with a girl who likes guys with big muscles, weakness acceptance may work to make her laugh and endear you to her, but it's not meant to make her forget about waht she wants. Rather, it's to not only protect you from blowing yourself out with a women, but also to turn a weakness into a strength. In fact, I would use it more on things that aren't universally considered bad qualities such as shyness, laziness, grumpiness, stupidity etc. instead of good looking, big (dick for guys breasts for girls), cruelty, weakness, passivity, bullying etc. which can't really be accepted by others even if you accept them.

Anyway, i think all men have these qualities it's more about activating and displaying them.

5 Timeless Qualities of the Attractive Male
27 Opinion