The Gentleman Isn't Dead, We Just Forgot What He Stands For


The Gentleman Isn't Dead, We Just Forgot What He Stands For

Yeah, I've done MyTakes that have called out women. There's the one where I basically accused all girls of being clueless when it comes to flirting, and the one where I called out the rising bitterness in the female population (as I see it).

But ladies, this one is for you. :)

Charm, civility, etiquette, charisma. These are the forgotten traits in today's society and sadly, most of these traits fall into the realm of the gentleman. Now, I know what you're thinking: We've advanced; we've gone beyond the times when gentleman had to wear certain flowers in their lapels, and had to have a certain socioeconomic status. But contrary to popular belief, the word "gentleman" doesn't have to be aristocratic at all. In fact, it's just a state of mind or a way of life.

Here's an interesting take:

Moving on, I know that most of you guys think being a gentleman is simple. It's about opening doors, holding chairs, taking coats (or have you all forgotten these things, too?), being respectful instead of pushy and polite instead of rude, etc. And yes, all those things are gentlemanly. But two things have happened:

1. We've managed to make people believe that paying respect to a woman is actually a form of sexism. I had a woman frown at me for holding a door open for her and I wanted to sit her down and say, "You know, just because I held the door doesn't mean I expect you to hold a lower position in society. I'm being nice." And I believe that if women are being even the least bit honest, they'll admit that our PC-driven society has managed to kill off these niceties that have always helped separate humans from freakin' animals.

2. The men either think being a "gentleman" only requires politieness and respect, or believes it's actually about being a pussy. Both ideas are wrong.

The Gentleman Isn't Dead, We Just Forgot What He Stands For

Did you realize that your self-image is a really big part of being a gentleman? And did you know he is all about BALANCE? The gentleman is confident without being cocky, respectful and polite without being totally deferential. A pig who only wants sex pretends to care what a woman has to say and dismisses it, while the wimp does whatever a woman says. A gentleman wants, listens to, and considers a woman's opinion. A real gentleman has a confident self-image and expects the woman to acknowledge that confidence without bowing to it.

The Gentleman Isn't Dead, We Just Forgot What He Stands For

The gentleman can relate to others with ease, he doesn't present his partner as a trophy nor does he step back; he stands next to her as an equal of a different sex, merely confident in his life in general. The gentleman is sensitive without being withdrawn, caring without being doting, romantic and loving without being clingy and creepy. The gentleman respects himself and as such, takes care of himself. He cares about his appearance but not to the point of vanity. Are you guys writing all this down?

Oh, and one last thing to remember, guys and gals:

A gentleman adores women in the best possible way.

That concludes today's lesson. ;)

The Gentleman Isn't Dead, We Just Forgot What He Stands For
16 Opinion