Why guys who have been hurt will keep getting hurt


Why guys who have been hurt will keep getting hurt

Guys. They're as complicated as girls, even though they won't admit it. Guys who have been hurt are a little more complicated, though. Every guy's situation is different, therefore they all handle it differently. But the majority of guys I've met who have been hurt handle it like this:

They meet a girl. Everything is going good for the first week or so. They talk everyday and start to know more about each other, they get closer. And then he gets scared. What is going to happen if I get hurt again? I can't let that happen! I either keep going and get what I want then leave or I run! (Either option sucks for us girls)

option 1) guy continues to talk to girl, and she goes unsuspecting. After a while, they get together and do the deed, then he flees with no real explanation.

option 2) when I guy goes the route where he just bolts, he either drops all calls/texts/ etc. like a hot potato, or he makes up an excuse, i.e., I'm no good for you, you can do better, I didn't mean for it to go this far, blah, blah, blah.

Don't get me wrong. I understand how it feels to think that nothing good will ever happen to you again. That no one will ever replace that one person, and to think that you can't let someone into your life. But here is some advice: if you don't want it to potentially turn into something, don't fucking act like it. Tell me straight up, not a week and a half into it. Kay, thanks. Bye ✌🏻️

Why guys who have been hurt will keep getting hurt
19 Opinion