9 Reasons Why Men Are More Fortunate Than Women


9 Reasons Why Men Are More Fortunate Than Women

Here are 9 reasons why it's good to be a guy:

1. Men never have to menstruate. During puberty, girls learn how to use tampons, pads, cups, or whatever to clean themselves during their monthly bleeding. Their wombs replenish, launching the next menstrual period. Men never have to deal with any of that or the embarrassment associated with public leaks.

2. Men can urinate while standing up. Women can stand up too while urinating. But the lack of a penis means the lack of a hose-like thing to aim the fluid. So, the urine will just flow out, directly below the person. This doesn't really matter much, if the woman stands in the bathtub, because the urine can just be washed away. But if the woman stands next to a toilet bowl, she has to sit down in order to void into the toilet and not the floor.

3. Men are less susceptible to lower urinary tract infections than women. Having a penis means that the urethra is longer. This is advantageous, because the germs have to climb farther to get to the bladder. It is possible that germs will never reach the bladder, if they are washed away by urine. Urine is the body's first line of defense against germs. However, the ability to stick to the urethral walls is one virulence factor of Escherichia coli, making it the leading cause of urinary tract infections. So, having a longer penis may not help you there.

4. Men generally have more testosterone than women, making them stronger, bigger, and heavier. Women just have to work harder to build muscle mass and bone density. Living a healthy lifestyle and maybe using oestrogen-containing contraceptives may help women avoid osteoporosis.

5. Men are less susceptible to autoimmune diseases than women. The oestrogen in women is correlated with a greater likelihood for autoimmune diseases.

6. Men can never get pregnant. Not getting pregnant may be a good thing, if you don't want to be the one giving birth to a child. An unborn child is like a parasite, sucking the blood and nutrients from the mother. When the child is born, it will suck breast milk from the mother. The body has to work constantly to balance out the nutrient distribution, and to tolerate the cells of the unborn child. Failure to tolerate the child's cells may lead to a Type II Hypersensitivity reaction, known as Autoimmune Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn, and subsequently kill the child. The mother is usually left unharmed, though.

7. Men, on average, have significantly bigger handspans than women, on average. The bigger handspans may be useful in certain tasks, such as playing the piano. This does not mean that women with small hands cannot play the piano. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of exceptionally good women pianists. People with smaller hands just have to use different techniques to reach tricky keys.

8. Men generally are taller than women. The height may be useful in reaching things that are typically out of reach. Though, a human being can easily step on a ladder or a stool and reach for things. One good thing about being human is that you can use your brain to overcome your physical incapabilities and deficiencies.

9. Men naturally have deeper voices than women. Women tend to speak in higher-pitched voices than men do. The higher frequency of the sound may not be heard for a person who is hard of hearing. Furthermore, as deeper voices tend to be thought of as more authoritative and bolder than higher-pitched ones, and men tend to have deeper voices than women do, this natural trait will make men seem more authoritative than women.

Be grateful that you are born male. You have 9 points under your belt that make you fare better than a woman.

9 Reasons Why Men Are More Fortunate Than Women
59 Opinion