I feel like most guys are idiots

I feel like most guys are idiots

Excuse the dumb image. For some reason someone thought it would be a good idea to force users to include a picture in order to post.

There are some of us that are real heart-thieves and can be very witty. But, when I hang around most guys I really feel they lack something. No, I'm not gay, but instead I just think about how bad girls can have it when it comes to us. I get frustrated when guys do these simple things; some women may think their behavior is projected unto all of us. And I KNOW not all of us do this...but a lot do.

They dress horribly, as in, bad or dirty clothes. Yes, I get that you work and are just dirty when you go out, but life doesn't care and you need to fix that. Not saying you need to dress nicely all the time, but I am saying you dont need to dress like a typical loser with a t shirt and cackys.

Tons of men have bad hygiene....a toothbrush and toothpaste costs you about 6 bucks pal.

Bad manners. What I mean by this is cursing everywhere they go in public, ignoring other people, lacking decency, etc. Please, don't sling around your bodily fluids everywhere, that would be great.

No character. It's just all of the same mundane behavior. Nothing special or fierce. Be different, try to act in a way that can spark sexual tension or something, make if exciting and fun for both parties.

And lastly, stupidity. Some guys wouldn't know a woman liked him even if she kissed him at random. I've seen so many girls give the most obvious signs, and the guy doesn't even realize any of them. You don't need a phd in this stuff, just common sense.

I feel like most guys are idiots
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