How to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection

This is the number one reason why some men get a ton of women and other men get none. Fear of rejection is something that almost every man has to deal with at some point in his life, as it is the most common problem that men face when dealing with women. It's holding a lot of us back... that's why I felt it was necessary to write an article to this subject on this fascinating website.

If you are one of the many men that find it hard to approach hot women because you are afraid that they may turn you down, then you are in luck, because a few years ago I was the same way. The information contained in this article describes how I overcame my own fear and realized that there really isn't much to be afraid of, and if you take it all to heart... I guarantee it will do the same for you.

I won't lie to you... this will not be easy. In order to completely overcome your fear once and for all, you will need to literally face it head on, and that will require you to do things that you've been reluctant to do in the past because it demands that you step outside your "comfort zone" and open yourself up to your fear of being shot down.

This will most likely be a hard, stressful experience at first... but like most difficult tasks, it will pay off in the end.

Before we proceed, allow me to ask you a quick question, so we can properly determine if this article will help you or not.

Please answer this as honestly as possible:

Can you remember a time win your past, when you were out somewhere and a beautiful woman caught your eye. You made eye contact with her, then instantly you were under the impression that if you would just go over and talk to her you could have her... but you never did it? Maybe you even watched as another guy approached her confidently, and they hit it off; and you know that it could have been you.

Sound familiar?

If you can honestly answer no, then you can skip the rest of this article, because it is obvious that fear of rejection is not a problem that you face.

If you answered yes... then allow me to ask you one more question: why didn't you go over and talk to that woman?

I already know your answer. You chose not to approach her because your fear of rejection was holding you back, and inside your head you weighed the risk versus the gain and ultimately talked yourself out of it.

Close enough? I thought so.

Moving on. Now that we have addressed the cause of your problem, we can begin to fix it, which is actually much easier than you think, because...


That's right, it's nothing more than a mind game, and I'm going to supply you with some "cheat codes," so you can turn the tables in your favor and start winning.

First off, you've got to understand that really hot women are not all cold blooded snobs that would like nothing more than to laugh at your failed attempt at picking them up. That is not the case at all, and in actuality it is quite the opposite.

Nine out of ten women that you approach will be warm and responsive to you... even if they are not interested, and in most cases, the one o the ten that is rude to you is only acting that way because she is just having a bad day.

If they are going to turn you down, they always try to do it as lightly as possible, usually with the ever-so-popular line: "I already have a boyfriend," or "It's just not a good time for me right now."

That doesn't sound all that bad, does it?

Not at all, so keep that in mind the next time you begin talking yourself out o approaching a beautiful woman, because you are afraid that she will reject you, because in reality... there is nothing to be afraid of at all!

Lastly, you need to remember that failure is a fundamental part of success, and when it comes to getting girls... you will not begin to succeed without failing a few times beforehand. You need to get comfortable with women saying no once in a while... or get accustomed to them saying nothing at all.

Now you know enough about your fear that you can start getting over it.
How to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection
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