I Love Chivalrous Men

I Love Chivalrous Men

One Halloween night, my friends and I were at a club all dancing and having a great time. Everyone we met had on the coolest costumes and everyone was just really trying to have a good time. Cut to, this random guy comes up behind me and decides he's just going to grab my butt. Now before I could even whip my neck around my guy friend apparently flew down from whatever perch he was able to see this happening from in this dark club, and was on this guy so fast and needless to say, this guy didn't just 'get away with it.'

Chivalry: the modern definition of the term means a man who shows courtesy or attentiveness toward women. I love that. Most of the men in my life including a lot of strangers, are and do exhibit modern day chivalry, and what's wrong with that? Why do some women struggle with this idea of a man being nice and courteous towards them? Why do some men consider this some sort of burden to their sex?

I Love Chivalrous Men

I am always nothing but appreciative to any guy who has shown me such care. Open a door for me, thank you. Nice enough to bring a water for not only yourself, but one for me without asking, that's awesome. Pull out a chair for me at dinner, aren't you the gentleman! Offer me a coat when its freezing, you're amazing. Why would any of this be a problem? Does it not feel good to do nice things for other people regardless of who that person is, especially if they are appreciative of your efforts?

But for the men who take issue with this, let me tell you I HAVE TRIED TO RECIPROCATE such efforts. If there is a guy behind me, I hold the door open, but the response I most get from guys is, "why did you do that," or "no, I'm supposed to hold the door for you." And I have yet to meet any guy who would actually really like it if I pulled out a chair for them at dinner or went to their car door and opened it up for them personally---many would consider that emasculating or weird---because no matter how modern we get, or try to resist, there are just certain things that happen in a society that make them "the ways things are," and to shift from that takes a whole lot of time, change, and effort on everyone's part.

I Love Chivalrous Men

Bottom line, I don't expect any guy to automatically be chivalrous towards me just because. Chivalry is a choice.

Still, I love chivalrous men who are this way because it's who they are, or they enjoy just being kind in this way. I lead my life with kindness and always try to help people when I can and do nice things for others because that's who I am. And sure, one can argue, it's 2018 and I don't need a man to...blah, blah, blah, but who doesn't like being treated with kindness? So to all the chivalrous men out there or just kind people in general, I say thank-you from the bottom of my heart, and keep it up--a lot of us ladies really do appreciate it.

I Love Chivalrous Men
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