Nice guy VS Good guy?


Nice guy VS Good guy?

Nice guy VS Good guy?

Believe it or not there is actually a huge

difference. I myself have only learned the past year the difference between the two types of men. Let's start off with the Nice guy. The Nice guy looks nice, acts nice, and usually appears like a very good catch to a girl. The two key words explaing the Nice guy was, look and act. Not the same key words you would use for a Good guy like, does and is.

Nice guy VS Good guy?

A Nice guy - picks this wet piece of paper (above) up from the ground at first, only seeing a black heart and a slight women's silloutte. He does not care what's in the photo actually or behind it because he can't see her body nor does he care to really look for anything else in the image deeper then at first glance takes him. He's just fixed on her body. So he just throws the paper away in the garbage becaues he doesn't want to have to hold on to it till it drys out. Plus, he is a Nice guy and doesn't like to litter.

Nice guy VS Good guy?

A Good guy - picks up the same wet piece of paper off the ground and tries to see if he can see anything more deeper in the photo then a face and silloutte. The Good guy isn't fixed on her body. He wants to see and understand the whole image of the woman in front of him on this paper. He finds it interesting and keeps it. Several weeks later the image gets finally dried out. Look!! what the Good guy is able to see now a cool photo all because of his kindness and patience to keep that piece of paper.

Both guys ask their SO for a photo they like......

Nice guy VS Good guy?

-Nice Guys Choice -

Nice body, sexy photo, could be really just a randome chick though. Her face isn't shown because subconsciously it really doesn't matter to him. It doesn't matter what her face/emotions are. He doesn't love her or care about what's coming out of her mouth just how her ass looks mainly. But its Nice he carries a photo of her I guess..?

Nice guy VS Good guy?

-Good Guy's Choice -

Why the difference your wondering? Good guy's like nice bodies too well absolutely they do but, Good guys love their women for who they are not just what they look like. A Good guy who does love his girl truly would always rather see her looking happy then looking sexy. Good guys care for their girls in all ways sexual, emotional, safety, and all around well-being.

Nice guy VS Good guy?

-Nice Guy's Have Mannors, Good Guy's Have Kindness-

Nice guys fill your car up with gas to be Nice to you. Good guys always fill your car up with gas to be Safe with you. As I was told by a Good guy, " it's more dangerous for you to be out late at a gas station after eight or nine. So, I will make sure to keep you from that possible harm of stopping by checking your gas every morning." During an argument a Nice guy may get upset at the woman for crying but, a Good guy may get upset at himself for making his girl cry.

Nice guy VS Good guy?

A Nice guy doesn't want to offend anybody.

A Good guy doesn't want anybody offending his girl or himself.

Because that's the Good guys main concern

( him & his girl) not being pleasent or liked by everyone around. Hopefully, now you are able to see the two types of guys a little different from the other. Nice guys are really more for show. Good guys are priceless.

Nice guy VS Good guy?

I'd like to thank my girls and KOC....

Thanks guys🙂

Nice guy VS Good guy?
37 Opinion