The difference between Dominance & Abuse


These days people are more and more confused as to what makes a man dominant and what makes a man abusive, the difference has always been pretty clear to me:

A dominant man is dominant when necessary, and an abusive man is dominant all the time

The difference between Dominance & Abuse

Even most women fail to understand the difference between dominance and abuse, then a good majority of women are attracted to abuse thinking it's dominance. If your boyfriend decides who you can talk to or not, if he decides other things like that as well and you like that, than you are attracted to abuse and probably have low self-esteem for some reason

Dominant men know the limits of dominance, they are not interested in dominating everyone they come across, but they tend to dominate everyone they come across without trying, their personality is what dominates any situation. An abusive man has to put effort in trying to dominate a situation because his self-esteem cannot stand a situation where he isn't the dominant one. You will never find an abusive person in some executive job but a dominant person who knows exactly when to be dominant and when not to be

Most women tend to be attracted to abusive men between the ages of 13-27, and some women are attracted to abusive men all their lives, women like that end up divorced and seek a weak man they themselves can dominate to marry, while cheating on him shamelessly with men that are abusive. Though some women manage to learn the difference between dominance and abuse and find a mentally sound man who is only dominant when he has to be

There are some things that I believe I should clarify, things that don't make a man weak:

1. Being calm and polite doesn't make a man weak

2. Being helpful and kind doesn't make a man weak

3. Not hitting a woman doesn't make a man weak

4. Compromising in a situation doesn't make a man weak

5. Apologizing to someone doesn't make a man weak

6. Being in an open relationship doesn't make a man weak

There are other things that don't make a man weak but most women like to believe they do, I don't think every point is necessary to be explained. I hope this article was enough to explain the difference between dominance and abuse

The difference between Dominance & Abuse
16 Opinion