What is a simp and what is simping? The ugly practice now defined for you

What is a simp and what is simping? The ugly practice now defined for you


The word I heard first a few years back but didn't get into my head because of it's often unclear usage usually posted by incels and angry misogynists in their "red pill rage".

This word can be seen as an abbreviation of 2 definitions:

(1) Sucker of insignificant and mediocre pussy

(2) SymPathetic - A portmanteau of Sympathetic and more specifically the word Pathetic - SIMP (but why not SYMP then?).

But before I go further to describe what a SIMP really is I want to clear up some misconceptions of what a SIMP is not. A simp is not someone...

  • who respects or loves women or lends them a hand just because;
  • who refused to join MGTOW or incels or to subscribe or agree to their opinions and often extremistic aggressions/accusations towards the opposite sex;
  • who refuses to worship Elliot Rodger or doesn't agree, that women must be punished just because they're women;
  • who in the objective point of view agrees with a woman and/or disagrees with a man;
  • who believes men and women deserve (near) equal rights and responsibilities;
  • who enjoys the company of women and talking to them;
  • who compliments women or makes them giggle just because (no ulterior motives involved)

This list is not complete but these are the overall general ideas and you can complete the image from here yourself of what a simp is not.

So then. What is a simp?

This guy has pretty much summed it up with some real world examples, that he has experienced. Watch his video about it if you choose. If not, then skip ahead for a summary.

in essence a simp is a guy, who has pretty much no amount of self respect for himself and goes out of his way to support and sacrifice pretty much his own self and entirely at his own expenses for the bad types of girls, who couldn't care any less about him than he already does about himself (even if a bus ran over him in right in front of her). If you think about it - how is a girl going to respect a boy if the boy does not respect himself?

Usually simps do so in the false hopes of one day claiming her (what a terrible girl) or eventually bedding her or her giving the simps some attention since men are usually STARVED from female attention. Makes it seem like an oasis in the desert metaphorically speaking BUT HOLD UP & WAIT A MINUTE! It was a mirage! You got bamboozled! No oasis and no attention for you.

Simps kiss the bad girls asses without even getting close to kissing their ass in the bedroom. For these bad girls most men are nothing more but expendable tools, a wallet on legs and the rest is invisible.

Some examples of simping include:

  • Giving your time/attention/money/energy to girls, who don't care about you;
  • Rewarding antisocial behavior of bad girls (rudeness, bashing men and other "competitive women" ETC...). It should go without saying, that rewarding bad behavior encourages bad behavior;
  • Submerging girls (just because they're girls) in overblown compliments (e.g. "ur the most beautiful woman on earth" to 100 female users);
  • OnlyFans - throwing money at hoes online;
  • Offering girls, who don't care about you to beat someone up in order to prove yourself to her (don't even get me started) or being taken advantage of (free meals, car rides ETC...);
  • Her walking over you AKA you being a spineless doormat

There is actually one song, that should be officially labeled as the anthem of simps. Bruno Mars - Grenade. His lyrics are all about simping!

That sums it up boys and girls. If you have a lot of time or need something to listen to while you are busy doing something like driving or working, here's Rollo Tomassi's interview about simps and simping. I went through it while working and you can learn from him.

In any case - don't be that guy below!

What is a simp and what is simping? The ugly practice now defined for you
What is a simp and what is simping? The ugly practice now defined for you
What is a simp and what is simping? The ugly practice now defined for you
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