The Bad Boy, Nice Guy & The Good Guy

Kezia Noble explains in her book, "The Noble Art of Picking Up Women" that there is a difference between a bad boy, a nice guy, and a good guy.

The "Bad Boy"

In the end, the Bad Boy won't be taken seriously because he just wants sex, and doesn't have his shit together. He won't be taken seriously because he's not real, and he's trying too hard to be there after every whim.

The "Nice Guy"

The Nice Guy never stands up for himself, and never makes her wonder if he really likes her. The Nice Guy always agrees with her arguments, and never challenges her.

The "Good Guy"

The Good Guy is real, and is just a nice guy because he is genuine. He still has an edge because he isn't throwing himself out there for her and being an open book. The Good Guy gives her bits of himself to make her interested, and keep her wondering what's next.The Good Guy gets the girl and keeps the girl... unless he tries too hard to be something that he really isn't.

The Bad Boy, Nice Guy & The Good Guy

The Bad Boy, Nice Guy & The Good Guy
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