Guys, why would you only text a girl at night?

There's this guy I've been talking to, and for some reason he has got into a habit of texting me once a day, and it's always at night (anywhere from around 11pm- 1pm, sometimes even around 2am.) I know most people would usually think it's a booty call, but his messages simply seem to ask how my day was, and just to catch up on stuff we've been doing that day or to talk about random things. I'm not all too bothered by it, but I think it's a bit strange to catch up on our day when I'm clearly only going to read his text the next day (I tend to sleep at night.)

I know it's stupid to jump to conclusions, but do you think he's maybe treating me as an option or just talks to me as a last resort? Have you guys ever done this continually, and why?
Guys, why would you only text a girl at night?
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