What does it mean if a guy invites you to his house but doesn't make a move?

I've been talking to this guy every now and then as we both are working but before hand it was everyday, I've stayed at his place before and we had sex and i left the next day in the afternoon.
He invited me over the other day as we havnt seen each other since that night. the time he invited me was quite late so i took it as a booty call cause i wasn't going to get to his till bout 12am the earliest. When i got there we watched a drama, played some cards games and truth & dare, then he watched the NBA Finals and i went to sleep ( i find sports boring to watch though i did try) afterwards he watched the League of Legends Finals explaining it to me then, we both went to sleep. We got up bout 4.30pm xD i know so bad, i got ready and left as he had work at 6. Im shocked he didn't wake me up at 2ish as he wanted to go gym before work. i left and agreed to meet up again when we are both free.
But like i'm really confused cause i dont understand people at all, and was very sure this was for a specific thing
What does it mean if a guy invites you to his house but doesn't make a move?
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