Should I just forget about him or keep trying?

I met this guy last year in May after I broke up with my boyfriend of 1 year. We dated here and there for about 6 months but never got intimate. I was not looking for anything serious and so I also dated other guys with whom I was also never intimate. I guess I was just kind of testing the waters. Finally the guy told me he liked me a lot and that I was very special to him, but that I was selfish and just liked to play games with guys. After that I did not see him for about 6 weeks. I called him one night and he came to meet me at a club. I ended up going home with him for the first time. He tried to have sex with me but I still just did not feel like I was ready to do that with him so we just went to sleep. The next morning I felt a little uncomfortable and awkward around him because of the night before and did not know what to think. He drove me home and on the way neither one of us said a word. He asked me if I was OK and I said yes but I still felt weird. When I got out of the car he said he would call or text me later but I never heard from him again. I texted him a month later but got no reply. I really like this guy and am now ready for a serious relationship with him and would like for us to give it another shot but don't know if its a lost cause to try to contact him and possibly set up another date. So should I just forget about him and move on or try to contact him again to maybe set up a date and start a relationship?
Should I just forget about him or keep trying?
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