Do we have a future together or should I really forget about him?

I met my long distance ex boyfriend around February. Very soon, we started calling each other, video calling, playing games, talking at night. We both fell deeply in love. However, we both had our issues, I started feeling neglected many times and I nagged him about needing more attention. He started being very inflexible about certain things. And to sum up, we were having lots of discussions. I also started feeling alone, specially when we were on a video call, it was very hard to see him in a camera and not be able to touch or feel that person. And the distance as a problem, made a solvable situation seem unsolvable: after a reconciliation we couldn't hold hands, hug or kiss. It came to a point, after six months, that he left me saying it was better, that he felt bad about not being able to provide what I need from the distance and that he would try to contact me again once he could come and visit me. However, after he left me, we came back many times and broke up many times. We tried to keep ourselves away from each other, but for whatever reason it wasn't possible. Until one day he got fed up, and went no contact definitively. We didn't have any communication for about three months. I started meeting new guys in real life, hanging out with them, doing my master's degree in order to keep myself busy, but still, there were lingering feelings within myself of deep sadness. I couldn't entirely attach to any of those guys I met. After these three months though, one day we both texted each other. He texted to my old number not knowing I didn't have it anymore, and I texted him. He called me and we started talking. We kept the whole night talking. He said he was missing me, he missed talking to me, he still had feelings for me. And we talked for hours about his life, my life, what had changed. I was happy to hear his voice. However, I felt so bad afterwards. I regretted my decision of answering his call. I don't know what to do at this point.
Do we have a future together or should I really forget about him?
3 Opinion