Why are men these days so bitter towards women?

We get it.
All women are sluts.
All women are golddiggers.
All women are liars.
All women are abusers.
All women are cheaters.
All women are manipulative, narcisstic cunts.
But is it really fair to generalize and blame an entire gender for these traits? It's not like men are innocent themselves. We can be just as promiscuous, narcisstic, abusive, and manipulative as women. Why the double standards? I'm just getting tired of hearing men complain about women whether it'll be in public or on the internet. Why can't you just move on and let it go like women who've been abused and cheated on? Men like this are just as annoying as feminists.
Why are men these days so bitter towards women??
Why are men these days so bitter towards women?
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