What does it mean if a high five turns into hand holding?

So there is this guy that pretty much knows almost everyone in my school so he always does the casual side high five and fist pump to everyone he knows cuz thats just what guys do right but today I was at lunch and waiting for my friend kayla and noticed he was across the room i waved to him and said hi and then shortly looked away because I didn't want to make it seem like I was staring or anything so once kayla got her food we went outside and just my luck about 10 min later he's outside and comes up to me as soon as he seen me and brings out his had to do the high five so I begin to high five him back and he was telling me that he didn't see me say hi and that he was calling me because he was gonna say something and while he was telling me this the high five sort of turned into a hand hold so yeah sorry about the long story but what does this all mean?
What does it mean if a high five turns into hand holding?
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