Why do some guys react so poorly to rejection?

Read the whole thing or gtfo.
Disclaimer: I know some women react poorly too, you can ask a question about that yourself but I just want to talk about guys for a minute. Also, I'm aware that many guys handle rejection just fine like mature adults. I also know that some women do respond like rude bitches, but I'm excluding them as well.

I'm talking about those guys who call you a "bitch" or "whore" when you simply say "Thank you, but I'm not interested". If you don't believe me, there is a whole subreddit called r/niceguys and a twitter/instagram called @sheratesdogs where women have sent it screenshots of dudes just lashing out for not accepting his advances. Again, there are women who do this too, but I've just seen so many dudes do this, and other guys back them up! Why? Dude, you don't know what that girl wants in life. Maybe she doesn't want a boyfriend/hookup right now. Maybe she's talking to someone else. Or maybe she's just not into you!

I've asked guys out before, I've been rejected before. Did it hurt? Yes. What did I do? I responded by saying "Okay, I understand, thanks anyway" and I move on with my life. You aren't entitled in having anyone like you.

And then they go on a rant about what an upstanding citizen they are and how nice of a guy they are... and... so? Lots of people are nice, you could be a handsome prince who feeds orphans and she doesn't have to say yes to you. If she's missing out, let her miss out! They always justify by saying "Okay, but after you've been rejected 700 times after being a nice, intelligent guy with great interests you get tired of being put down by bitches who want a douchebag to treat her like shit instead of a guy like me." I wish I could say that these guys are the best of the best but a lot of times if you go and check his profile, he's a dick, and seriously doesn't see the problem is him. They blame it on their looks, they blame it on women, they blame it on other men, but a lot of times it's his attitude.
Why do some guys react so poorly to rejection?
14 Opinion