Can experienced older men truly fall in love with younger inexperienced women?

I’m 21, he’s 29. He’s had loads of experience dating women. I’ve had NONE with men. I barely know how males tick, how they think, what they expect. I know nothing of dating.

We were seeing each other casually for a while, we had a lot in common (despite age gap) and there was a deep connexion (at least for me, maybe it’s because I’m new to this and easily impressed). Then it kind of became clear in some of my conversations that I carried idealized visions of love/relationships etc, and that I knew nothing of how men think. He made it clear that he’s very jaded when it comes to relationships, and that “his heart is kinda fucked”.

I started developing a bit of feelings for him. He felt comfortable opening up to me about some stuff. We continued talking for a while and when I made it clear that I hadn’t had sex yet and was v intimidated by it, he said he wasn’t comfortable with my age, and me being so inexperienced didn’t help him feel attraction at all. And that this had been fun for him, but that’s the reach of his intentions.

I regularly find myself drawn to older men, and I only feel capable of developing feelings for them as opposed to guys my age. But I’m starting to think I won’t be able to get into a (serious) relationship with an older guy or make one feel for me too, as my worldview is still very naive when it comes to human relationships and they’ll see me as a child, or that they mistake my enthusiasm for “easiness”. I’ve been saving my v card for someone I’d eventually fall in love with.

Is it possible at all for experienced older dudes to truly fall for younger/inexperienced women? Beyond the sex I mean. I’d appreciate honest answers. Thanks!
Can experienced older men truly fall in love with younger inexperienced women?
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