Guys, Why does my ex want to make me jealous and why is he so curious about what goes in my life?

I don’t reach out except for that one time in January after like four years not talking because I blocked him. I mean he cancelled on me for meeting in February for this amends he wanted to do with me. I didn’t respond and he reached out coming up with this excuse that he hasn’t forgotten and he’s been stretched thin with school and work. I told him I don’t want no amends on the phone. Now he’s just been texting almost like we are friends but lately he just keeps trying to make me jealous saying oh well I’m going here with my significant other and I don’t even ask his plans he just wants to spit it out. Then he sends me a big picture poster of himself for graduation that his family made for him. It’s random I thought after I told no I don’t want no amends he would just leave me alone. What’s his deal?
Guys, Why does my ex want to make me jealous and why is he so curious about what goes in my life?
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