Are there any masculine men who do NOT have the "Hero Instinct"?

Let me explain. Even in the 21st century, gender roles are still very much a thing. Whether you adhere to them or not is your decision.

It's no secret that men are generally physically stronger than women, so they have been the protectors throughout history. And a lot of men still like to be that protector and hero for women in their lives.

Why do you think a lot of men go for short girls? Because they seem weaker and in need of male protection. Men like to be the one moving heavy things for women, opening jars, killing bugs, et cetera, because it makes them feel needed. They feel validated, heroic, and manly. Men need to be needed.

Of course, not all men have the Hero Instinct. Maybe you're the kind of guy who's into sporty or strong capable girls. Girls that took boxing or went to a dojo, own weapons, have a bit of muscle on them; the kind of girl who likely WON'T need or want you to be their hero.

How do I know that? Because I'm a man and I don't have the Hero Instinct. I will help a woman out with something if they need it, but emotionally, I get nothing out of it. I don't feel validated, strong, or like a knight in shining armor. I just think,

"OK, cool. I just helped someone out. Now I can continue about my day."

What I'm asking is, are there any masculine men who do NOT have the Hero Instinct? Are there men who don't get an ego boost from being a woman's strong protector?

And yes, your tastes in women can reflect that, as I explained above.
Are there any masculine men who do NOT have the "Hero Instinct"?
5 Opinion