Do guys find girls with nice nails attractive and if so what kind of nail's do you like on a girl?

Do guys find girls with nice nails attractive and if so what kind of nails do you like on a girl?
I've never had my nails professionally done and if anything I don't really take good care of my nails. Im no good at painting them and they always get chipped at work.

Im trying to be more sophisticated and feminine as lately I've stopped caring but I really want to get back into caring about my appearance. My stister in law gets her nails done and she said we can go together next time. I have so many questions like how long is too long?, What looks tacky? Can it ruin your nails? How can you do pick up things? How do you know if the workers are slaves being forced to work there?
Do guys find girls with nice nails attractive and if so what kind of nail's do you like on a girl?
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