What does it mean when a guy asks if this has a purpose?

Ok so I’ve known this guy for a while and he says he has feelings but it’s hard to believe him because he’s a bit of a womanizer but treats me so different. recently asked me if sex with him is just cause or does it have a purpose? Then said we should wait till we can have a long term relationship bc our complete different lives rn.. but has relationships with others or more so flings he usually breaks up with them because I don’t want to be in the middle of his relationship because he still treats me more than a friend and I don’t like that. He said he doesn’t want to do anything stupid that could mess us up before it means something.. does this guy actually care about me or just saying that nice stuff because I won’t let him have sex with me without a relationship?
What does it mean when a guy asks if this has a purpose?
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