Why the hell do I keep on trying even though I KNOW he doesn't like me romantically?

I have a feeling that he likes my friend and they both have a potential to fall in love with each other.
My friend already fell for him romantically.

He talks to her more but whenever I start minding my own business, he again talks to me.
He sometimes gives both of us equal attention so I thought there was some hope.

But now I have a feeling that they both will end up together in the future.

My friend is touching him, calling him often and she even applied to same university that he applied.
Although he called me more but then whenever we meet in person, he tends to walk by her side more than mine and looks more at her when talking.

How do I let this go? I used to think that he liked me. But now i just feel disappointed.

How the fuck do I ACCEPT IT IS OVER AND not get my spirit crushed?

I can't escape hanging out with them as we are in the same class, same team and same activities club.
Why the hell do I keep on trying even though I KNOW he doesn't like me romantically?
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