Guys, A guy I dated unblocked me on IG after 3 years and suddenly starts viewing my stories WITHOUT following me. We're both taken, so why?

I dated a guy a few times, but I realised that he wasn't honest (blocked me from his story etc), and he was dating several girls at the time, so I told him that I don't want to continue to see him if he is seeing someone else too. He begged to meet again, I said no, and he immediately blocked me from instagram, but a few months after added me back on facebook. I wasn't hurt so I accepted. I saw that he had a girlfriend, we haven't talked, we were just "friends" on FB.
3 years went by, I'm now married and I recently had a baby, and he suddenly started to like my pictures on facebook. Ofc only the selfies of me, not those with my husband. It made me uncomfortable, so I unfriended him. Then he went and unblocked me on instagram, HE DOESN'T FOLLOW but watches my stories most of the time. Why? I'm not interested in him, I'm just curious why would a guy suddenly start seeing my stories without following me? Does he regret letting me go? What exactly is he checking up on?
I'm not really posting anything other than baby things, baking stuff, cakes, a few selfies but not sexy ones.
Guys, A guy I dated unblocked me on IG after 3 years and suddenly starts viewing my stories WITHOUT following me. We're both taken, so why?
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