What do you think is the reason why he is avoiding responding to my email?

I used a cosmetic product which most likely resulted in severe irreversible adverse effects. 8-months ago I reached out to a top doctor by email. Over the 8-months he enthusiastically and quickly responded to all my emails providing his medical opinions and even zoomed with me. I gave him a false name to conceal my identity (HIPPA) given the initial email nature of our communication. I recently flew across the country to be examined by him free of charge. When I got to his office, I informed him of my real name and explained that I used a false name in our communication to protect my identity, which he seemed to be understanding of. The doctor told me to email him pictures upon my arrival back to California to complete his assessment/opinion of the potential diagnosis or lack there of. Upon my arrival back home, I emailed him the pictures and thanked him. I also shipped him a small gift. After 3-days, I received an email response from him saying that he very briefly looked at my pictures. He stated that although the pictures I sent him are blurry he will do his best to give me his opinion on Monday. I didn’t hear from him for 7 days. After 7-days, I sent him a follow-up thank you email. I never heard from him again. Its now been a month since i've heard from him. There was a big change in his behavior after our medical visit together. He went from merrily answering me within minutes; to sort of ghosting me despite knowing how terrified I was awaiting his opinion/recommendations. Which do you think is the MOST likely reason (s) he has not responded to my email?
He believes I am untrustworthy or have shady intentions considering I lied to him about my name for 8-months.
Is afraid to get further involved with me in case this situation results in a lawsuit with the cosmetic company.
He cannot form a medical opinion from the blurry pictures I sent and just doesn’t want to be honest or inform me of that.
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What do you think is the reason why he is avoiding responding to my email?
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