What do you do when a boy you think you like tells you he likes you but you think he may be lying?

So... A boy in my class during us all watching Princess bride with the lights off turned around with some of his "popular" friends and kept asking me and my friends who my crush was. I told them who my friends crushes were or used to be crushes were, but my friends couldn't think of an answer. Finally the first boy said I'll tell you my crush if u tell me yours. I said plain and simple who his crush was or who everyone says that he likes and that everyone says she likes him to and he said WRONG. I said it again and he said WRONG. Then he said that he liked me and his friends said it was true and that he and the other girl said they didn't like eachother weeks ago. When my friends told them I might like him they said it checks out and that we like eachother. Some part of me wants to believe him, but some wicked part of me thinks this might all be a game and that if I say I like him I'll get made fun of. What do you guys think? Should I trust him? Tell him how I feel? Confront him? I'm really out of ideas because my harts torn in two now because I want to believe him but I dont want it to be just a sick game. He's popular, and I'm not. Well I talk to popular people and sometimes hang with them or do projects with them, so I'd say I'm medium. So what do you guys think?
1 y
He texted my friend that he doesn't actually like me :( However I just spranged my ankle pretty bad today and he looked like he cared. He also hit my foot with his sword and asked if it hurt so I dunno. He did give me a fanta after and said he was sorry... WHY ARE BOYS SO CONFUSING?
What do you do when a boy you think you like tells you he likes you but you think he may be lying?
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