Did I scare this guy off?

Did I scare this guy off?

So I went over and hung out with the guy I’ve been talking to for about a month and things have been going great.

I was a little wine drunk and we were in bed and this guy and I may have gotten into it a bit. I could tell he was frustrated because I was having a hard time telling him how I felt in regards to how much I love spending time with him and hanging out with him and hope that this can become something more.

basically I told him I was falling in love with him and all he responded was with I know how you feel and I like our things are with us as well and I’m working towards us and want this to work out. and the reason I say we got into it was because at first he was getting frustrated and saying well it’s the middle of the night and I have to be up early and You’re talking in circles and it definitely became annoying at some point and eventually we fell asleep.

this morning he woke up for work and told me that I could sleep in a little bit at his place and to just lock up when I leave, that’s also the first time he’s left me alone in his place when he leaves for work. he kissed me goodbye and left

I can’t help but to feel though because of what I said there may be some animosity or if I have scared him off. I texted him that I left his place and he asked if I got home. Made a joke about me sleeping in his shirt and that was pretty much it.
Did I scare this guy off?
4 Opinion