FFellow Christians how do I deal with loud atheist coworkers making jokes about our God all day?

I am used to loud atheists because my parents were such. I am used to atheists constantly making fun of Jesus and God and. Trying to argue about Christianity. I go to work to get paid and not be homeless. I do not disrespect others faith or lack or life choices. I think its common sense to refrain from making offensive jokes abd comments about sensitive subjects but all my coworkers didn't get the memo apparently. Same with my boss. he's an old man. And everyone is liberal. I am not into politics and i dont like how republicanism comes off as racist at times but im most certainly not liberal !

I feel like i walked into a college campus again or my parents home again. Lmao.

I dont think they know I am a saved Christian. As i said i am there to work and get out. I am nice sweet and friendly because thats who i am.

And funnily enough those atheist jibes and nonsense doesn't really bother me much anymore as it used to. I think i am just stronger in my faith in God and i already know in my heart deeply who my Creator is.

Atheist jokes are like hearing a fool blabber on. Its not even interesting. It sounds stupid.

FFellow Christians how do I deal with loud atheist coworkers making jokes about our God all day?
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