Does this have anything to do with my looks?

I’m a college student. So as you can amazing parking is a pain in the butt. It’s only the first week on campus and as you can imagine I struggle to find parking and everything. For the first few days I was parking in the visitors deck because it’s close to my class building and I had no idea it was the visitors deck.
When school started I would see a guy every day sitting outside the entrance to make sure no one got in that didn’t have a permit. Well, I don’t have a permit or a pass or anything like that and each day they’ve asked me if I’m a student and told me to park in the student deck. One of the days I told the guy I was in a hurry and asked if I could park there and he let me. The only thing is, you have to pay when leaving the visitors deck. Another day I did the same thing because I didn’t find parking so I asked another guy if I could park there. He let me too. When I was leaving it was my turn to pull up and pay and I told the guy that I wasn’t given a ticket to pay and he said the thing would scan my license plate ( I guess he thought I had a permit ) and I didn’t but he still let me right on through without paying.
I’m not arrogant but I am a cute girl. I do my makeup nicely and speak very well. I told one of my managers what happened ( she’s called me pretty before ) and she said I just batted my eyelashes and finessed them. Then she said they probably let me through because they didn’t wanna deal with it lol. Was all this because I’m cute?
Does this have anything to do with my looks?
1 Opinion