Can you still be important and special to a guy who’s friendly and nice to everyone?


I like a really good sweet guy. He’s told me he likes me back but we’re still figuring out how we want to proceed. He’s funny, cute, smart, sociable, etc. I love all that about him but it’s also my biggest “issue” with him. I usually tend to fall for “meaner” guys because they’re always nice to me and less friendly to other people. I’m not use to the guy I like being more I guess like-able. It leaves open to much opportunity for other girls to fall for him, get the wrong impression, and overall it makes me feel like I’m not that special to him. It freaks me out because if he’s nice to everyone and he treats me nicely is there even a difference between me and all the other girls he talks to? I don’t want another guy but him how do I get over this?

Can you still be important and special to a guy who’s friendly and nice to everyone?
4 Opinion