Is Young Love Worth Fighting For? Was It Worth It?

I am eighteen years old. I have been with my boyfriend for five months. We have talked about the future and whether we will stay together next year because most likely I will be going to a different college. We both attend the local community college as of now. I have known him for a year and for five months we have been together. We started off as friends, which is very important to me to build a relationship. He is the sweetest person I've met. He is a gentleman and knows how to treat a woman. Yes, he is a nerd. Glasses, side burns, gamer, you name it! I never thought I would fall for him. But I did, and I love him. In today's society, its difficult to hold on to young love. I know the best thing for me is probably taking a break when I go to college next year and that will truly prove if the love we have is worth it. But in today's society, for anyone who held on and fought for their love, was it worth it in the end? And years later, were you able to hold on to that love and still stay happy with one another? Yes, even love isn't perfect, and we all have our downfalls, but was it worth it? The background story goes like this, when I was younger I felt unlovable and lost, and swore to myself I would commit suicide at the age of seventeen if love didn't save me. But fate had other plans. From 3-8 grade I went to a private school, 9 a different private school, 10 a public, 10 - 11 the private from 3 - 8, and 12 the public again. In 9 grade he attended the prvt school I had from 3 - 8. Ironically, that was the year I left. First half of 10 I attended the public school he was attending as well. Ironically, health issues caused me to go back to the prvt, so we didn't meet. 12 year we both attended the public and had semester long classes together, so we saw each other the whole year. I went through guys trying to find love. All that time, he was there for me, as a friend. Then one day, I finally realized I liked him, love even. And I gave love a chance, with him. Ironically enough, the day I noticed him was the day before my eighteenth birthday, love had saved me just in time. Also, there's a pic of him and I in 7th grade at orientation for the public school (which I didn't end up attending) but he is sitting behind me in class. It was as if fate had planned this all along and it was just a matter of us being together. It was just a matter of me looking up and seeing what I had right in front of me all along. I know the love he and I have is special. I believe everything happens for a reason, and that things aren't just a coincidence. I believe God, or something, put him in my life and saved me and showed me that I am lovable and also showed me how to love. Of course he and I have our ups and downs, that comes with every relationship. But I believe what he and I have is real. I believe love can withstand anything, but I still question, at this age, in today's society, is young love worth fighting for?
Is Young Love Worth Fighting For? Was It Worth It?
8 Opinion