Guys, Do you have a crush in your teenage years?

As me.. yes but I am as a girl I don't understand you guys in love really like I was chasing a guy for a while, his friends know I like him and then I see he has a crush on me! BUT he doesn't make any move and sometimes he acts he care and sometimes he acts he doesn't care at all, he just trying to get my attention and wants to make eye contact, as I ingored him and look at all boys and he tires to make me look at him but I look away; he sometimes filters with me by his eyes in sexual way!! he talks to his friends about me and all who are in the world about me I was chasing him and he talk bad about me and sometimes make his friends look especially at me and laugh at me and talk in loud voice and stare at me!!

Be honest if you are a guy.. Is he likes me really or just playing with me?

Guys, Do you have a crush in your teenage years?
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