Assuming women aim for marriage and men aim for sex, what do guys think of the fact that guys usually get what they want disproportionally sooner?

Like, do guys ever stop and realize how much easier it is for them to reach their goal in relation to women than it is for women to reach their goal with men? I mean, after three dates, the women have to start worrying about whether the guy will leave her if she doesn't have sex with him, whereas realistically speaking, men probably assume they don't have to worry about having to propose to women until at least six months after dating. And even then, if a woman so much as accidentally says 'I think you're the one' after the third date, the guy gets to ghost her (especially since if he's already got what HE wanted out of the dates). Do guys secretly snicker about this injustice?

Assuming women aim for marriage and men aim for sex, what do guys think of the fact that guys usually get what they want disproportionally sooner?
Post Opinion