Does he find me pretty or just my body?


So I was out with my friend and we had some drinks then we headed to grab some food. We were both tipsy and the workers were young foreign (Middle Eastern) men.

I get quite flirty when I’m tipsy so I accidentally made eye contact with one of the workers and winked at him playfully, he winked back (let’s call him Tom)

My friend had a crush on his colleague (let’s call him Sam) and asked me to wingwoman, so when I saw Tom go out of the shop for a smoke I followed him and started talking to him. I asked him to give my friends number to Sam and he said he would if I gave him my Snapchat.

The odd thing is he never smiled once , he was straight faced the whole time. His English also wasn’t the best so I found it hard to understand sometimes. Anyways as I was walking away he said “you look pretty from the back” I turned around and asked him to repeat himself and he said the same thing.

I giggled and replied “oh just from the back? Not my face?” To which he replied “nah gorgeous from the front and pretty from the back”

All my friends think he was trying to compliment my figure but they think it came out wrong because his English wasn’t good and I just misunderstood him. I’m an overthinker though and I don’t really want to talk to someone who isn’t fully attracted to me.

what do you guys honestly think?

Does he find me pretty or just my body?
4 Opinion