We haven’t talked or texted in five years, but he randomly commented on my post?

I liked a guy during high school (after hearing that he had liked me) and we had this weird phase where we talked, but he gave me really mixed signals and he ended up telling me that he didn’t actually like me. He continued to talk to me a little bit, but we stopped talking around 5 years ago. He has continuously liked posts I make on Instagram, but that seems pretty normal.

A few weeks ago, I decided to add him on BeReal, because he was in my suggested friends list. We would both post but neither of us would react to each other’s BeReals. Today, almost out of the blue, he comments on my BeReal. The comment was a joke about my BeReal that seemed really specific, like you had to zoom in read the paper (that had small text on it) that was in my BeReal to come up with the comment.

Am I reading too much into this? Is he just being friendly? I know I added him first, but it just seemed super random to leave a comment on someone’s post when you haven’t spoken in years.
We haven’t talked or texted in five years, but he randomly commented on my post?
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