Should I feel hurt and offended by a comment my boyfriend made about my body?

My boyfriend likes to be playful and affectionate at times when it comes to my butt in particular. Some comments he makes regarding my butt don’t feel genuine sometimes. When he jokes and says “bubble butt” while tapping my butt I thinks it’s cute and funny and don’t pay it no mind because I know I do. But whenever the size of it comes into the picture by him I get very sensitive about it. He will play around sometimes and tap my butt and say “big booty”. I think my butt is firm and a nice size but I personally feel it’s not big. Although, I do wish it was just a little bigger. I’ve only been told by a few other guys that I had a fatty. When I asked him why he felt I had a big booty first he said “I don’t know but it’s big to me.” I didn’t take that as a reasonable answer so I asked further. Then he said, “ Well, it looks big in those new leggings I got you.” I told him I felt offended and he reassured me a little bit by saying, “Your beautiful to me with or without clothes on.” I still felt sad all night. So, the next day I tried to seek more reassurance from him because so was confused. He then said,” Well, those leggings make your butt look bigger and when you have them on guys stare you down out in public.” And he just left it there. I felt bad and he didn’t say anything else. And I still feel bad. I was body shamed multiple times by men due to my size and body weight through criticism, jokes and compliments disguised as insults. I’m 5ft5 147 pounds and to most men that’s too small. Even though he says he not trying to offend or hurt me which I don’t feel he is deliberately. I told him multiple times I don’t like anything regarding my body size brought up through compliments, loving jokes or anything. He keeps forgetting and keeps doing it. But this time was even worse. He doesn’t understand what he’s doing and seems to lack empathy. He does not compliment my body in the process. Am I at fault here? Even though he apologizes I still feel bad. Why is this?

Should I feel hurt and offended by a comment my boyfriend made about my body?
Post Opinion