Why did he ghost me?


I have been seeing this guy for about a month and a half and we’ve gone on 8 dates. He was very clear on wanting a relationship and was super sweet to me.

last week he even told me that he would never forget about me and always told me how attracted he was to me and how much he liked me. Weve been intimate for a bit so he was not just trying to get into my pants.

I saw him one week ago and everything was good we had a really good time, we even talked about being exclusive and stopped using condoms.

I slept over but when I woke up it was like a switch flipped. He told me he hardly slept and when he did he had a weird dream about me breaking all of his stuff. Since then I would maybe get 1 or 2 texts from a day but he would still be asking questions and stuff.

After a few days I asked if everything was okay and he just said he was busy. He also updated his bumble profile that night. Then two days later he stopped talking to me all together.

I just don’t get why he ghosted me, I thought things were going really well. I was pretty much falling for him too, I’m just so confused.

Why did he ghost me?
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