Is he just not that into me?

Is he just not that into me?

I met a guy on a dating app back in August and went on many dates with him where we had a lot of fun and got to know each other. He kissed me but we never took it further because I made it clear I want an exclusive relationship before having sex. He came on really strong at first but then started taking longer than usual to reply to my texts. Then it got to the point where I hadn't heard from him in days which made no sense because he told me he really liked me and we had another great date prior to him pulling away a little. He even posted twice on social media about love having the power to heal a broken heart and that he has been doing the inner work after he opened up to me about his depression and lack of purpose when he isn't really the type to post much on social media. I asked him if he was over his ex wife he divorced years ago and he claimed he was but I couldn't help but wonder if he's really not over it. I acted immaturely and tried to make him jealous because I wasn't happy with being left on read for days. I told him I wanted to keep my options open because he couldn't meet my needs. He never responded to that text and blocked me. I texted him a month later apologizing for being so immature and the text above was his response. I just texted back "I understand" and he hasn't said anything since. Is he just not that into me?

7 mo
I made it clear on my profile I'm not looking for anything casual and even he put it on his profile he didn't want a hook up and wanted something serious...
Is he just not that into me?
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