Should I continue to speak to him?

I video chatted this guy I met. We were talking, and he asked about my toxic trait. I told him and asked what was his. He said it's getting bored with people easily. I asked if he ghosted people. He said it's not like ghosting, but I kind of disagree. Before we ended the call, he expressed he wanted to see me, and I was like i don't know. We just video chatted and haven't been talking for very long. I try to get to know people in a good amount of time before I see them physically. Because we live in a crazy world. Before we hang up, he almost reminds me that he gets bored easily. I took offense to this and felt he was saying if I didn't get back to him in a timely manner, he was going to not talk to me. I haven't spoken to him since. He video chatted me but I wasn't available. Was he being manipulative?
Being manipulative
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5 mo
Me and the guy was able to talk today. I asked him what he meant by getting bored easily. He said he meant essentially people who bring negative energy. He said people who are on their phone while their hanging out or not engaging in conversation. I thought it was weird way to explain it especially when I explained it so easily. All and all, i got my answers and we will hang out soon.
Should I continue to speak to him?
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