Please help!!! He hasn't talked to me in almost 3 weeks, what should I do everyone is telling me something different?

Please help!!! He hasnt talked to me in almost 3 weeks, what should I do everyone is telling me something different?

Tldr: He told me he wasn't a phone person off the bat but would see him at school and we would hang for hours at school and saw each other at parties and double dates and he would only ( and still only) stays next to and around me. I got upset bc we didn't talk for a week and he basically told me it doesn't mean anything and he still wants to see/get close to me. I got upset later bc he was standing too far away while I was telling him something that HE asked me to remind him and when I told him to sit next to me he would say no. He also said it was overwhelming bc I ask for a lot of hugs and he's not too much of a hugger but he'll take mine to an extent. Squashed that. He told his close friend that he was feeling me heavy and everyone says they've never seen him expressive, goofy and comfortable unless I'm around. He also told me that he feels safe and comfortable dancing with me and making mistakes w me. I forgot to include that it is finals season rn at school and he's in 5 classes and a senior but we haven't talked/seen each other in 3 weeks and we have a double date and party coming up later this month that I'm getting anxious about. Am I right to be upset? What does this mean? Tell me anything that can help please? What should I do at the party/double date? Should I talk with him like normal or avoid him?

Please help!!! He hasn't talked to me in almost 3 weeks, what should I do everyone is telling me something different?
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