Am I wrong for not entirely forgiving my boyfriend for saying I'll accuse him of SA in the future?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. He's frequently insecure that I'll cheat on him because of a shitty past relationship that ended in his ex girlfriend cheating. Because of that he has asked me numerous hypotheticals such as, if we marry in the future, would u mind if I got a paternity test for our children? Yes I'm baffled by all this but I'm often so shocked and confused I don't even know how to react. He sometimes asks me questions like, ur really a virgin right? Ones day he asked me out of nowhere if I had any side bfs or not. I absolutely lost it, and he later justified it by saying that his friend was cheated on by his girlfriend of 3 years (she was triple dating), and it kinda forced him to "ask it against his will". I told him he could've been less condescending about it, and out of frustration compared him to a shitty movie character we both hate, and he was very offended by it. I profusely apologized for it, even though it wasn't completely my fault, and I thought we'd moved past it. However, the next day, he said out of nowhere that if I can compare him to that character, the next time we have sex, I can even accuse him of SA (he didn't use the word SA, he said the R word). I was left speechless and was shocked at how he could accuse me of something soo vile and disgusting. He then apologized profusely for it, and tbh, I haven't entirely forgiven him for that, even when it's been 2 weeks.

Am I wrong for not entirely forgiving my boyfriend for saying I'll accuse him of SA in the future?
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